Update to Campus Mask Policy
Dear colleagues,
It has been more than a year since we’ve had to adjust our lives to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19, and to protect our health care systems from becoming overwhelmed. We have consistently followed guidance from health authorities, and I have been inspired by the way our campus has responded to support our students and one another. With the availability of vaccines and the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we have reached a new milestone in our response to this virus.
Consistent with newly updated CDC guidance, fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks or social distance on campus, indoors or outdoors. The CDC has outlined limited exceptions, including health care facilities and public transportation. We encourage the campus community to stay up to date on CDC guidance.
The CDC encourages individuals who are not fully vaccinated to continue wearing a mask and distancing for their own protection. Any individual can choose to wear a mask on campus, regardless of their vaccination status.
According to the CDC, vaccines reduce the risk of people spreading COVID-19 and are effective at preventing COVID-19, especially severe illness. With vaccines now readily available both on and off campus, members of our campus community can make informed decisions about their health and how they protect themselves. We will continue to encourage vaccination and to make it as convenient as we can for people to participate.
Donde Plowman