Urgent Message Regarding COVID-19 Response
All coursework will move online following spring break.
I want to update you on precautionary steps we are taking at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the Institute of Agriculture in response to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Any student who needs help can access resources through the Office of the Dean of Students or by calling 865-974-HELP. Employees can access resources through the Office of Human Resources or by calling 865-946-CARE.
Two UT employees showed up to Chancellor Plowman’s weekly office hours to discuss an organ donor leave policy for UT. The result of their advocacy was a new university system-wide policy for organ donation.
Vice Chancellor for Student Life Vince Carilli is leaving the university. A national search for a new permanent vice chancellor will begin immediately after the winter break.
To sustain the positive momentum created by the UTIA–UTK Reunification Committee 2019 report, five working groups will be established to provide recommendations on the reunification process.
A national search for the next vice chancellor for research and engagement is under way.
It is time to honor the academic and service achievements that represent the best of our university.
Today is Big Orange Give, a one-day initiative to raise support for programs and colleges across campus. We have set a goal of raising $2.25 million as a celebration of the 225 years of leadership and service at the University of Tennessee.