Re-Imagining Fall Task Force Report
I have received the final report from the Re-Imagining Fall Task Force, which contained a number of recommendations and creative ideas on how we might structure our fall semester to keep our campus and community safe. I want to thank the task force and subcommittee members for their quick and comprehensive work.
Like similar groups on the other UT campuses, our task force worked in parallel with a system group, made up of campus emergency managers and UT Health Science Center faculty member John McCullers, which was charged with developing general guidelines or best practices that could guide all campuses. Earlier today that committee released its recommendations, which you can read on the UT System website.
Together, the work of these groups will provide an important foundation for the deliberations and decisions to come. I hope you will take the time to review both sets of recommendations.
We have lots of work ahead of us to develop meaningful learning experiences for our students while also creating a safe place for all of us to work and study. Together we can make this happen.
Donde Plowman