Investing in Our Campus
As we think about what it means to be not just a good university but a great one, we must consider the investments it will take in our physical campus and our people.
As we think about what it means to be not just a good university but a great one, we must consider the investments it will take in our physical campus and our people.
It’s been six months since we came together for the fourth annual Flagship Address in September. Just as we do every year, we used that time to reflect on our successes and consider where we’re headed as an institution. This year, as part of the speech, I laid out the disruptions facing higher education and […]
Just weeks after starting my tenure as chancellor in 2019, I held my first office hours—an opportunity for members of our campus community to drop by and talk about anything on their mind. In those early days I was looking to hear directly from people across campus and gain a better understanding of their interests […]